
What's Your Type?

You know how there are some ppl who only date a certain "type" of person. Blonde, Brunette, Red Head, Short, Tall, Big Boobs, Small Boobs, Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes etc. I know some guys who date girls that literally look like replicas of the last, because they are only attracted to a certain look.

For categorizing guys its a little bit more complicated... men can grow facial hair in a matter of days, and shave it in a matter of seconds. Same goes with chest hair. And pubic hair lol. They also gain and loose muscle pretty quickly.

Lately I've been trying to figure out what my "type" of guy would be, and its hard! While everyone is initially drawn to physical appearance, it obviously takes much more than that to form any kind of relationship. And lets face it, a guy will put up with a stupid or boring girl if she's hot for much longer than a girl will if he's getting laid.

So what physical characteristics am I attracted to? Well. Every boyfriend (with the exception of one who I don't even count - you know who you are) has had brown hair. I def like guys with dark hair and dark eyes (although light eyes on a dark man can be VERY handsome) because its the exact opposite of what I have, so I feel like we are in no way related. No one wants to fuck their relative... The guy also has to be taller than me. EVEN (perhaps especially?) when I wear heels. I am not bending down to kiss you. Sorry. I would be lying if I said I didn't want a guy with a 6-pack, but it isn't a pre-requisite. As long as a guys in pretty good shape I can work with that. I'm also very big on teeth. A nice smile with white teeth is a big deal cuz I have to kiss it.

That pretty much sums up the physical shit. Now for the personality. I have two main personality traits that any guy that I date must possess. He MUST (no exceptions whatsoever) be AMBITIOUS and FUNNY. I don't think thats too much to ask, right? If he's naturally gifted in school thats a bonus, but really as long as he's ambitious enough to persevere whatever interests him, and show passion for whatever he loves, its all good with me. I'm generally drawn towards quieter, calm, guys since I like to talk a lot (I blog for fucks sake). And I don't like when guys swear a lot, its unattractive.

But I guess at the end of the day, my ideal "type" doesn't matter so much as long as the guy is willing to love me as much as he can. AWWWWWWWW.