

Tomorrow (at 4am I might want to mention...) I will head out to one of the most fun, most exclusive events in Beer World.

Thats right... BUD CAMP.

For those of you living under a rock, Bud Camp is basically the biggest and best party of the summer consisting of the perfect combination of alcohol and fun activities. It's an adults dream weekend.

1.) Budweiser. A fuck load of it.
2.) Bud Girls (who know how to party better than anyone... I may be bias. I am one).
3.) Activities: white water rafting, rock climbing, ATV-ing, etc.
4.) Band's and DJ's
5.) Fireworks and live entertainment

and a whole lot more but my arms are tired from the position I'm in.

Check out last years video, and see if you can spot me!!!

(clues: Im dancing on a bus... and on stage...and in the crowds. Goodluck!)

****side note: log on to the Budweiser Fan Page on Facebook for your chance to win a trip to Bud Camp next year!!!


Hoe Tips!

Moves Like Jagger

Im swooning over Maroon 5's Adam Levine.

Not only does he have a wicked voice and play the guitar like a rockstar, but he's SEXY as hell.

I'm totally digging it (and perhaps even going to his concert next week??? hmmmm....)


...Flock together

Something Blue

Doctors Know Best

All About Edie

"It's not that I'm rebelling. I'm just trying to find another way"

- Edie Sedgwick

An american model, actress and fashion icon, perhaps most famous for her connection to Andy Warhol, and her boyfriend Bob Dylan. The young beauty struggled with mental illness her entire life, and in became addicted to drugs and alcohol, eventually leading to her young death. She's someone who fascinates me, and I highly recommend people take the time to learn her story.

In 2006, the movie "Factory Girl" was released, headlining Sienna Miller, Guy Pearce and Hayden Christensen. It was featured around the last few years of her life, as well as her weird relationship and fall out with famous painter Andy Warhol. A great watch!

Peering In On The Pier


I Just Came To Say Hello

Picture this...

You and a few friends are grabbing a cockatail or five on a wednesday.

You've grabbed a nice little table in a prime location, and are chatting about your week.

A girl none of you know walks up and says "Hello". She stands there until you respond.

Obviously the polite (and normal) thing to say is Hi back. But then what? Would you be freaked out? Confused? Angry you were interrupted?

Would you introduce yourself and invite her to pull up a chair?

I was having a discussion about this with a friend of mine a little while back. We were discussing how in North America, unless its an event where everyone is wasted and social (think St. Pattys), it's usually considered "weird" to go up to people you don't know and ask them to join in whatever it is they're doing. Or to even just find out what their story is. People love having a stand-off-ish attitude, thinking they are far above everyone else where they are. I don't blame anyone, it's just the way our society is.

But I have learned that life is WAY more fun when you break these stupid little rules and start accepting other people. And when you go out of your way to introduce yourself to someone you would normally just watch from the side lines (think HOT football player).

SO my challenge to all if you is this: meet someone new this week!!! It's monday so you have a full week to fulfill this.

Good luck! Let me know if any of these introductions go horribly wrong (I'll blog about it!) xo

Eye Spy

The Kardashians (Covering Katy Perry - E.T.)


Watch the fabulous and crazy... pardon me, KRAZY... Kardashians as the entire family (inlcuding Mason the babbbby and soon-to-be in the fam Kris Humphries) as they cover ET by Katy Perry.

So funny! It's a must watch.

And Kris (the mom, not Kims soon to be husband...wierd I know) would be the first one to start. Hilarious.


Rules of a Gentleman

Turn Your World Upside Down

(I challenge anyone reading this to a handstand competition at any point)

When Nothing Makes Sense

Jewelry Earphones??

Leave it to someone to find a way to make earphones chic. A company in Asia has now created these earphones made of gold and silver, which are simply placed in the ear with no cord! These bad boys have chains and wicked designs, and I'm sure they will be popular (and expensive) in North America soon.

Move over Dre!

side note: I don't like this chicks ear, I wish they used a different model.