
New Royal Caribbean Movie: The Allure of Love - A Short Film Directed by...

I've loved Jenny McCarthy since "Dirty Love" (one of the funniest films evaaa). Check out her and all the hottness (the guy too i suppose) in this 10 minute short film about two ex's that run into eachother on a crusie ship.

Is it weird I hope this happens to me?


This movie looks SOOO good, i can't wait to go see it!

Everybody knows exactly what those characters are going through - the whole "online dating" world that never corresponds with the real one.

And such a good cast!

Wheewww cant wait. Make sure you guys go check it out :)

Jennifer Lopez - I'm Into You ft. Lil Wayne

It's Just Dubstep, Baby

Smoking Sucks

Lets face it. Smoking = EWWW

Not only does it taste gross, but it gives you:
-bad breath
-yellow nails
-yellow teeth
-an ugly voice

I know its hard to stop...So don't start! And if you already have, smoke something else. Like weed. Or shisha.

Figure It Out

Blow It, Pop It

Radio GaGa

Nail It.

Get Messy

Quote of the Day

"I'm one of those people you hate because of genetics"

- Brad Pitt

Braid It