
Never Judge A Book By Its Cover

Books and I have always had a roller-coster type of relationship. As a child, I loved to read and would do so every single night. I loved all the Dr. Seuse books, Bearenstein Bears, and Robert Munch (but who didn't?). I then grew into the Gossip Girl series (I was so happy when they made the series and made the characters as pretty as I had imagined them to be...)

Then, I hated books. In high school if I was given a book to read, Cole and his notes helped me get through it with ease.

Now, I'm back into them. I just finished "The Divinci Code". It was great, I very much recommend. I also just finished "Skinny Bitch" which was pretty repetitive, you really only need to read the first chapter. If anyone has any suggestions shoot them this way (nothing sad - I only like happy books).