
I Just Came To Say Hello

Picture this...

You and a few friends are grabbing a cockatail or five on a wednesday.

You've grabbed a nice little table in a prime location, and are chatting about your week.

A girl none of you know walks up and says "Hello". She stands there until you respond.

Obviously the polite (and normal) thing to say is Hi back. But then what? Would you be freaked out? Confused? Angry you were interrupted?

Would you introduce yourself and invite her to pull up a chair?

I was having a discussion about this with a friend of mine a little while back. We were discussing how in North America, unless its an event where everyone is wasted and social (think St. Pattys), it's usually considered "weird" to go up to people you don't know and ask them to join in whatever it is they're doing. Or to even just find out what their story is. People love having a stand-off-ish attitude, thinking they are far above everyone else where they are. I don't blame anyone, it's just the way our society is.

But I have learned that life is WAY more fun when you break these stupid little rules and start accepting other people. And when you go out of your way to introduce yourself to someone you would normally just watch from the side lines (think HOT football player).

SO my challenge to all if you is this: meet someone new this week!!! It's monday so you have a full week to fulfill this.

Good luck! Let me know if any of these introductions go horribly wrong (I'll blog about it!) xo