
When I Was Younger... Old Emails Edition

Finding things from when I was younger always makes me nostolgic...and slightly embarrassed!!

This is an email from April 9, 2005 sent from me to my best friend at the time (who I'm happy to say is STILL my best friend today... Check out her blog) I would have been 16 at the time, which is beyond embarrassing that I spoke like this/ typed like this.

I obviously don't recall exactly what this was about, but from what I gather, I wanted her to post some pictures, and proceeded to make a huge deal about it. Girls will be able to relate to this (maybe not as excessively, but still!). Check it out:


u PROMISED u would email the pics tonite between 10 and 11...u said: Watch for an email in between there!!! so i did...many times...and nothing! not even an email explaining why u culdnt get me the pics or sumthing...not a phone call...not even the PICS!! soooo you really better have a good excuse as to why there was NOTHING...becuase you shouldnt do that to a firend. this morning i woke up thinking "o well maybe they came home late" etc. "they should be here in the morning". NOTHING STILL. its 3 oclock and my guess is that on 3 oclock NEXY YEAR i still wont have them! ahahah! neways email me back with an amazing excuse...or better yet, the pics! because ppl keep asking and im like: o dont worry, ill have them by wednesday.....o dont worry, ill have them by monday....o dont worry, ill have them between 10 and 11!!! So ppl think IM lying!!! and thats not fair alex. so email me back ASAP (in case you dont know what that means...since ive asked you to email me the pics ASAP and they still arent here...it means AS SOON AS POSSIBLE) which wud have ment last nite when you had the comp, camera, and cord. SO DO IT NOW HAHAHAHA THANKS!!! (ps im not mad) BYE XOXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOOX "

just wow.
everything from the lack of sentence structure and incorrect "slang" spelling (on purpose!!!) makes me wish I was a nerd when I was a little girl.

Also, a big thank you and "I LOVE YOU" goes out to Alex for a.) putting up with intense emails like this, and b.) being able to understand them.

On your next break, take some time and look through old emails and pictures. Remember and laugh about old times you've shared with people, and how funny (or embarrassing!) it was.

I have a huge folder full of emails like this, from a bunch of different people regarding life, boys, weekend plans and school, and reading through it is refreshing.

Thats all for now!!