New Royal Caribbean Movie: The Allure of Love - A Short Film Directed by...
I've loved Jenny McCarthy since "Dirty Love" (one of the funniest films evaaa). Check out her and all the hottness (the guy too i suppose) in this 10 minute short film about two ex's that run into eachother on a crusie ship.
Is it weird I hope this happens to me?
This movie looks SOOO good, i can't wait to go see it!
Everybody knows exactly what those characters are going through - the whole "online dating" world that never corresponds with the real one.
And such a good cast!
Wheewww cant wait. Make sure you guys go check it out :)
Smoking Sucks
Lets face it. Smoking = EWWW
Not only does it taste gross, but it gives you:
-bad breath
-yellow nails
-yellow teeth
-an ugly voice
I know its hard to stop...So don't start! And if you already have, smoke something else. Like weed. Or shisha.
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